Scott Hirsch pulls a double shift June 1
Scott to perform a snippet of "Echoes Of Memory: Musical Reinterpretations of La Jetee" and solo set at Deer Lodge
Hi friends,
Trying out a new way to communicate here, via Substack. Let me know how it hits you.
I wanted to throw a couple events your way in case you got a case of Spring Fever and feel like to venturing out into the wilds outside your homestead this weekend in Ojai…
First, I am premiering the fruits of my Fall ‘23 residency at Taft Gardens and Nature Preserve. It is a snippet of my live-to-film sound design and music piece Echoes Of Memory: Musical Reinterpretations of La Jetée. This is part of the annual Taft Gardens fundraiser, more info is available at their site above.
Immediately following that, I am hopping over to the Ojai Deer Lodge to open the night for the legendary Six Organs of Admittance show. Promoted by (((folkYEAH!))), and Tierra Sol, this show is sure to be a musically enriching event. Tickets available here.
For those of you out of town, you will be missed. But I will be potentially coming your way soon via a summertime East Coast tour brewing with the great Kelly McFarling Band. As always, if you do want to hear my songs in and around your space, I’m always open to it, let me know and I’ll show up with all my music making stuff..
Lots more to fill you in on, both in my world, and in the greater sphere of Echo Magic. Many productions and new releases on our doorstep… coming soon
Love ya,
Scott Hirsch